Sunday, October 7, 2012

Can Someone Hit the Brakes?

I tend to be a little insane overbearing type-A sometimes.  I can get over-involved.  I can let myself get completely burned out.  I can get overwhelmed.  I can put too much pressure on myself.  I can slip into the "I'll take it easy when I'm dead" mindset.  Is anyone with me?

Unfortunately, I pay for my "I can do it all" personality...and my payback comes in the form of anxiety attacks.  After five years with no attacks, my unwelcome friends made their appearance again a few weeks ago, giving me my worst attacks ever. 

Part of it is the stress of my life right now, but I truly believe that this is also an attack.  God is moving in my life.  I'm drawing closer to Him than ever before, and He's leading me in new directions.  It's exciting and terrifying to be standing on the brink of some huge, God-sized dreams.  I just wish I wasn't fighting anxiety.  I wish I could hit the brakes and slow some of the craziness down a little. 

I can't slow things down, though.  I have to push ahead to graduation (in just 7 more months - woo hoo!)  I have to live my life and balance all the craziness.  I would really appreciate your prayers as I fight this battle.

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I would love to hear your thoughts!