Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Little Christmas Vacation Reading List

I'm so excited about the beginning of Christmas break!  Once I take my last final of the semester on Tuesday morning, I'm free!  What to do with all that time normally taken up by studying?  For a book lover like me, the only answer is READ.  I always have a long list of books, and I know I'll never get through them all, but here's a sample of what I want to get to on my break...

What reading list would be complete without at least one book from my favorite I'll start my list with THREE, thank you.
  1. Mortal - Ted Dekker
  2. The Sanctuary - Ted Dekker
  3. Identity - yes, another by Ted Dekker
  4. Opening Moves - Steven James
  5. Comes a Horseman - Robert Liparulo
  6. Rest - Keri Wyatt Kent
  7. Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl - Lysa Terkeurst
  8. Grace for the Good Girl - Emily P. Freeman
To get through my list, that will mean two books a week over break.  I'm not sure that I'll get them all, but it's not unrealistic to shoot for half that list.  I can't wait!  What will you be reading this Christmas?

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